Chicken and Sive, both born in Crossroads, are facilitators at Ikamva Labantwana Bethu. Involved in and surrounded by crime in their youth, the two now help the students of ILB avoid the same path they took as teenagers.
Chicken works in office administration and media for ILB. Chicken was born in Cape Town and moved to Crossroads at the age of 11. Throughout middle and high school, he was involved in criminal activity like many of his peers. However, after graduating high school and leaving Cape Town for a traditional Xhosa mountain ritual, Chicken left his life of gangsterism to better both himself and his community at ILB.
Sive works in the Afterschool and Youth Cafe programs at ILB. Sive was born in Cape Town and raised in Crossroads. During his youth, he was involved in gangsterism and criminal activity; however, after becoming a participant at ILB himself, he was convinced to leave his life of crime. Sive hopes to stay at this growing organization, get his teaching certification, and continue to make a difference in his community.